
ALA Legal Marketplace

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Finish Strong: How to End the Year on Better Financial Footing

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST  
Host: ALA Legal Marketplace
By: Jordan Turk, Legal Content and Compliance Manager, LawPay

As most firms are starting to think about their end-of-calendar-year finances, this webinar will discuss steps that firms can utilize in their practice to help clear out aged receivables and hopefully get paid on accounts that the firm was all but ready to write off for the year.

This webcast will show you:

  • How to create a clear, consolidated, and actionable list of outstanding AR
  • Best practices for bringing in payment on “young” AR
  • Tactics for pursuing aged AR and avoid writing it off in its entirety


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Jordan Turk
Jordan Turk

Legal Content and Compliance Manager, LawPay

Jordan Turk is a practicing attorney in Texas, and is also the Legal Content and Compliance Manager at LawPay. She earned a B.A. in Classics, History, and Religious Studies from the University of Texas, and went on to earn her law degree from the University of Arkansas School of Law. Prior to LawPay, Jordan worked with a high-asset family law firm in Houston, Texas.


  • LawPay, an AffiniPay Solution
