
ALA Legal Marketplace

Your Connection to Knowledge, Resources, and Networking.

Year-End Needs a Fresh Start

Wednesday, November 4, 2020 2:00pm - 3:00pm EST  
Host: ALA Legal Marketplace
By: Gerri Martin, Partner, Software Analysis Corporation

When we think of year-end, we think about closing our accounting books. Year-end is more than
accounting. Articles and presentations exist everywhere about how to close your books. In this
workshop, we will talk about how to prepare your firm for a new 2021 beginning. We will consider
practice management, document management, and firm presence on social media and the internet. Through this webinar, you will:

  • Understand the benefits of planning for the New Year
  • Identify non-financial areas that should be reviewed
  • Establish a plan on how to best approach a year-end review


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Gerri Martin
Gerri Martin

Partner, Software Analysis Corporation

Gerri Martin is a Partner with Software Analysis Corporation and a member of Crosspointe Consulting Group, LLC. She holds her undergraduate degree in Accountancy and is a CPA. This gives Gerri the business background needed to understand the financial and management implications of implementing software and business processes. She started working with Attorneys in 1986 and focuses on supporting Attorneys, Law Firms, and Law Departments.


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