
ALA Legal Marketplace

Your Connection to Knowledge, Resources, and Networking.

Getting Around User Workarounds: Security to Account for Human Nature

Wednesday, August 28, 2019 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT  
Host: ALA Legal Marketplace
By: Coray Runge, Principal Product Marketing Manager, Blackberry

IT leaders always strive to provide their mobile attorneys with the best tools to stay productive while maintaining compliance. IDG study finds that legal firms are vulnerable due to employee workarounds despite confidence in their security practices. While workarounds are expected, they make matters worse than you might think.

Join us on August 28th as we explore

  • The survey results such as the confidence levels, percentage of employees working around IT policies to get their jobs done, how often, etc.?
  • How and why these workarounds happen?
  • What are the possible solutions that enable your employee’s productivity without compromising the IT security policies?


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Coray Runge
Coray Runge

Principal Product Marketing Manager, Blackberry

As a Principal Product Marketing Manager for BlackBerry, Coray is focused on BlackBerry’s robust suite of enterprise mobile and desktop productivity applications, modern Unified Endpoint Management, and security. He specializes and is responsible for the legal industry market needs and trends when it comes to security, mobility, and productivity.


  • BlackBerry
