
ALA Legal Marketplace

Your Connection to Knowledge, Resources, and Networking.

Retention Fundamentals and Execution

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT  
Host: ALA Legal Marketplace
By: Karen Frazier, Senior Consultant, Records & Information Management, Epiq

Due to increasing cost of storage and risk of data breach, document retention and deletion policies are now critical. Learn how to not only put these plans in place, but how to ensure they are properly executed and followed.

Learning Objectives:
• Policy elements that support actionable retention execution
• Defensible disposition strategies – all content is not equal!
• How to leverage technology to execute against your policy


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Karen Frazier
Karen Frazier

Senior Consultant, Records & Information Management, Epiq

Karen has over 20 years of experience in the legal environment both working directly for law firms and as a vendor for legal records solutions. Karen’s experience includes process management and systems analysis; data mapping and migration; documentation and training. Karen designs and implements RIM programs to meet the specific needs and goals of Epiq’s law firm clients.


  • Epiq
