
ALA Legal Marketplace

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Increase Cash Flow and Improve Your Bill-Back Process With The Proper Travel Payment Solutions

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT  
Host: ALA Legal Marketplace
By: Craig Van Deventer, US Sales Manager, AirPlus International

AirPlus International will review how your choice of travel payment solutions can bring efficiencies and savings to your back office. We will review considerations to think of when choosing how to pay for travel expenses. Ultimately it’s not just what you use as a payment solution but it is also what kind of travel data will you get in order to understand your business better and make wise decisions for your organization.

Learning objectives:

  1. Increased billing frequency allows for increased billing opportunities to clients
  2. Leveraging enhanced data will increase billing accuracies and provide stronger documentation
  3. Increasing efficiencies within your accounting/billing department by receiving fully reconciled statements.


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Craig Van Deventer
Craig Van Deventer

US Sales Manager, AirPlus International

Craig Van Deventer has over 25 years of finance, sales and operations experience including 14 years within the corporate payment industry with American Express and AirPlus International. Craig specializes in consulting with his clients to help them improve their cash flow and accounts payable processes, select the optimal travel payment solutions and automate the reconciliation of travel expenses. Craig has his undergraduate degree in finance from East Carolina University and his MBA from Wake Forest University.


  • AirPlus International
