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The New Future Of Legal Payments: 4 Ethical Considerations Surrounding Online Payments For Law Firms

The New Future Of Legal Payments: 4 Ethical Considerations Surrounding Online Payments For Law Firms

By: Sarah Schaaf, Founder and CEO, Headnote
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Sarah Schaaf
Sarah Schaaf

Founder and CEO, Headnote

Sarah Schaaf is an attorney with payments and law firm operations expertise. Sarah was a litigator at firms in San Francisco prior to taking an in-house role at Google's legal department. She left Google in 2014 to become an entrepreneur, and is currently the founder and CEO of Headnote, the fastest growing ePayments company in the legal industry. She is an active member of several entrepreneurial and FinTech groups in Silicon Valley including NFX Guild and Commerce Innovated, and is also a regular podcast guest and legal conference speaker.